by David Evan Thomas | Oct 13, 2018 | Awards |
Thomas Named National Arts Associate On October 8, 2018, David Evan Thomas was named a National Arts Associate of Sigma Alpha Iota Fraternity (SAI), and initiated into the Minneapolis/St. Paul Alumnae Chapter as a Distinguished Member. According to SAI, “a...
by David Evan Thomas | Sep 17, 2017 | Awards |
The Twin-Cities based choral organization VocalEssence has announced the winners of the 20th annual VocalEssence Welcome Christmas Carol Contest. David Evan Thomas was one of two composers selected from a field of 77 entries from 24 states In addition to the prize of...
by David Evan Thomas | Jul 12, 2016 | Awards, My Blog |
From The Schubert Club David Evan Thomas received the An die Musik Award “in recognition of outstanding dedication and commitment to the work and mission of The Schubert Club” at The Schubert Club Annual Luncheon on June 8, 2016 at the Ordway Center for...
by David | Sep 17, 2015 | Awards |
David Evan Thomas has been awarded a Minnesota Sinfonia McKnight Foundation New Works prize for his Suite Populaire. As well as a $4,000 cash award, the prize includes the premiere of the Suite by the Minnesota Sinfonia conducted by Jay Fishman at its Winter Concert...
by David | Sep 17, 2015 | Awards |
David Evan Thomas is the winner of the Renée B. Fisher Composer Award in the Elementary/Middle School Division for 2017. The awards, sponsored by The Neighborhood Music School in New Haven, CT, are for short piano pieces to be featured in the Renée B. Fisher Young...