Calon lân SATB (download)
SATB, piano
3′ duration
Text: Daniel James, trans. Rees Harris
Premiere: Chorus Polaris, Bill Mathis, Director. 03/2020
I seek not life’s ease and pleasures
Earthly riches, pearls nor gold;
Give to me a heart made happy,
Clean and honest to unfold.
A clean heart o’erflow’d with goodness,
Fairer than the lily white;
A clean heart forever singing,
Singing through the day and night.
If I cherish earthly treasures,
Swift they flee and all is vain;
A clean heart enriched with virtues,
Brings to me eternal gain.
Morn and evening my petition,
Wings its flight to heaven in song;
In the name of my Redeemer,
Make my heart clean, pure and strong.
Poem by Daniel James, trans. Rees Harris (1874–1954), Used by permission.
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