Singers to Come

Singers to Come (complete) by the University of Minnesota Concert Choir, Kathy Saltzman Romey, cond., Julian Ward, piano | Used by permission of Kathy Saltzman Romey and Philip O'Toole, University of Minnesota....

The Mystic's Prayer

The Mystic's Prayer by Unity Singers, Unity Church Unitarian, St. Paul, Ruth Palmer, cond. A brief anthem appropriate for Unitarian-Universalist services Text Lay...

The Four Freedoms

The Four Freedoms by Maria Jette, Lisa Drew, Dan Dressen, James Bohn, with Philip Brunelle, piano A portion of FDR’s stirring “Four Freedoms” speech for SATB...

Te lucis ante terminum

Te lucis ante terminum by University of St. Thomas Schola Cantorum, Aaron Brown, Director Te lucis ante terminum (2015) SATB unaccompanied 3′ Latin...

With a Glorious Eye

With a Glorious Eye by Alchemy Project, Emily Amrein, cond. | The Alchemy Project With a Glorious Eye (2001) SATB unaccompanied 3′ Text: John Clare Published by ECS...

Psalm 23

Psalm 23 by First Readings Project, J. David Moore, cond. Psalm 23 (2006) SATB unaccompanied 6′ Text: King James Version of the Bible Reading—2013 by the First Readings...

In the Garden of Delight

In the Garden of Delight by Deviated Septet, DET cond. In the Garden of Delight (2002) SAATB unaccompanied 3′ Text: Judah ibn Tibbon (12th c.)...

Confirmatum est cor eius

Confirmatum est cor eius choral works Confirmatum est cor eius by The Madison Choral Project, Albert Pinsonneault, cond. SSATTB chorus, unaccompanied 3′...